Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Current President Of Syria - 798 Words

Parker Nolen—Geo 101— 10 o’clock—Mrs. Glenn—Conflict in Syria Since 2011 Syria has been experiencing a civil war. On the 22nd of August 2014, the United Nations has estimated that over 191,000 people have died. Many children have been killed or kidnapped throughout this war. The current president of Syria is Basar al-Assad; he has served since 2000 when he succeeded his father, Hafez al-Assad. Basar was a graduate of Damascus University and Western Eye Hospital. Where he studied ophthalmology. He returned to Syria because his brother had died in a car crash and was now the next in line for the thrown. In 2000 and 2007, the national electorate reconfirmed Assad as the president of Syria. In December 2000 is when he married Asma Assad. She was born to Syrian parents but was raised in the United Kingdom. She graduated from Kings College with a bachelor degree in computer science and French literature. The Former president of Syria, Hafez al-Assad wa s president for 29 years. In 1970, he seized power by toppling Jadid. When he took power he de-radicalized the current government, also strengthened the countries foreign relations. During the cold war, he sided with Soviet Union so that they would show support against Syria. He also instituted the one-man rule, and then set up the state services. The Sunnis became political the formal heads of the political institutions while the Alawites were in charge of military actions. His son Basar al-Assad was not the first choice toShow MoreRelatedThe Syrian Conflict During The City Of Daraa1151 Words   |  5 Pagesstudents facing repercussions from the government an effort to remove the current government (with the Assad family at the helm). A militia composed of locals and Jihadists, called the Free Syrian Army, along with other countries around the globe began showing their disapproval for the current regime. 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